Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Engineering Artificial Intelligence And Neural Network Notes.

  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent. The ability to create intelligent machines has intrigued humans since ancient times, and today with the advent of the computer and 50 years of research into AI programming techniques, the dream of smart machines is becoming a reality. Researchers are creating systems which can mimic human thought, understand speech, beat the best human chessplayer, and countless other feats never before possible. Find out how the military is applying AI logic to its hi-tech systems, and how in the near future Artificial Intelligence may impact our liv 

Click here for artificial intelligence note..part 1 

Click here for Part 2 


Artificial intelligence has been used in a wide range of fields including medical diagnosis, stock trading, robot control, law, scientific discovery and toys. However, many AI applications are not perceived as AI: "A lot of cutting edge AI has filtered into general applications, often without being called AI because once something becomes useful enough and common enough it's not labeled AI anymore.Many thousands of AI applications are deeply embedded in the infrastructure of every industry.In the late 90s and early 21st century, AI technology became widely used as elements of larger systems,but the field is rarely credited for these successes.


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